That's it, folks... we're waving goodbye to 2015 and welcoming 2016 with open arms. We don't do a yearly round-up... instead we'll leave you with a fleeting heads-up on our planned adventures for 2016. 

  • 2016 will be the year Film School launches - that's a promise. We've received heaps of submissions (in fact, we're now at 500+) and we should have a new home anytime soon from which we'll be hosting you all.
  • Film and/or Photos will be making an appearance in 2016 - Nope, we're not just adding a lazy 'photos' option to our services - it'll be something new... and hopefully refreshing. More on this soon!
  • Finally, we're now affiliated with start-up, North Note... curated musical content from the world's best independent artists. Music is something we're hugely passionate about so this is SUPER exciting for us. You can find out how to get involved over at northnote.com

Sending the biggest of hugs to all of our wonderful couples from 2015 and to the amazing suppliers we got to hang with this year... it's been a blast. Happy Holidays!

Lee, Dawn, Rufus, Ramona & Stephen x

Happy Holidays

I'm sure you'll be seeing more 'best of' posts than any one-person can handle over the coming weeks... so we'll leave that this year. I guess we'd just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has made 2014 an incredible year for us... we adore each and every one of you! From the bottom of our hearts... thank you. 

We've travelled a total of 13,492 miles across the UK and Europe and our films have been landing on the doormats of happy couples all over the world – hitting Hong Kong, China, Dubai, New York, California, Seattle, Switzerland, Germany and heaps more... it never fails to blow our minds just how far these little boxes travel... and just how much joy each one brings.

We're super excited about 2015 for a number of reasons – Shutterbox will take us further than we ever imagined with shoots in Southern USA and Eastern Europe(!). 2014 was our first year running Shutterbox alongside being parents. Hand on heart... we've had the best time. Of course it's been a little chaotic at times but we wouldn't change it for the world. In fact, we've decided to create a little more chaos... Baby #2 will be joining us late February and we cannot wait to welcome her in to the world.

So that's it... see you all in 2015! 

Happy Holidays. x